Community Zoning Updates


There is a lot going on right now that directly affects our community; The 2030 County Master Plan, the CZMP, and now a bill that the county executive is proposing. 

1) CZMP: As a community we are opposing the zoning change 3-024 which will change 1200 York Road currently Residential Office (RO) as well as 2 Cavan Drive, currently Density Residential; 5.5 units/acre (DR5.5) to Business Local (BL). A summary of the zoning issues in our area can be found in the document below. 

It is important that you email the planning board before Jan 31 to oppose our issue specifically and express any other concerns that you have. See our website posting from last week.  

2) 2030 Baltimore County Master Plan  MasterPlan2030 (arcgis. The Master Plan is to provide direction for the upcoming Comprehensive Zoning decisions, County agency priorities, and budgets. My concern is that the CZMP is underway, and the plan is being discussed in the middle of this process. Please take note of the “nodes” in Lutherville as this is also concerning to me.  

The Baltimore County Council has decided to move forward with public hearings on January 9 and 16 to solicit comments on the proposed 2030 Baltimore County Master Plan. You can still attend the meeting Jan 16th if you are interested. 3:00 – 5:00, 400 Washington Ave, Towson.  

You must sign up “day of” if you would like to speak, using this link.  

3)Mixed Use Development Bill: The County Executive has introduced a bill that is getting a lot of attention in the media. It can be found here

An article was in the Baltimore Sun in Saturdays’s edition regarding this bill. See the bottom right of page 1 and 2.

Pam Burke 

President Orchard Hills Community Association. 

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